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Drybar Styling & Finishing Southern Belle Volume-Boosting Root Lifter
Unsere Empfehlungen
I liked the smell of this volume boosting dry shampoo . i have very fine hair and definitely found it gave me thicker looking hair with added volume. it is perfumed so may not be suitable for sensitive skin but I didn’t have any issues myself.
This is a spray that has both good parts and less good sides. It has a foam texture but not very fluffy like the one for fixation. The smell is divine similar to luxury perfumes slightly oriental which persists for a long time in the hair. It gives me some volume it might work better on short-medium hair but mine is very long thick and heavy and the results are average. I don't like it because my roots feels a bit heavy and it gets greasy much faster using this product I ended up washing my hair every other day not every 3-4 days as I used to do before. The sensation upon application is great cold refreshing up the entire scalp for a few minutes but the roots remain stuck in some places even after styling. I don't think I will introduce it into my daily routine using it only when I need a voluminous look I can't stand dirty roots I really like the clean feeling.
I loved the volume this gave my hair. It's extremely easy to use and I would say the results are notable. I had numerous compliments on my hair when using it. I felt the volume held throughout the day
Instant lift volume boosting root lifter from Drybar is easy to use and great for instant lifting use it on damp hair and you have volume from wet to dry hair.

Ultraplumpender Sprühschaum zielt auf die Wurzeln ab und sorgt für sofortigen Lift. Erhöht das Volumen um 99 %! (Getestet und bestätigt von einem unabhängigen wissenschaftlichen Forschungslabor).
- Sofortiger Lift für die Wurzeln
- Erhöht das Volumen um 99 %! (Getestet und bestätigt von einem unabhängigen wissenschaftlichen Forschungslabor)
- Ohne Parabene, Sulfate und Phthalate. Tierversuchsfrei
- Ideal für feines Haar oder jedes Haar, das zusätzliches Volumen und Fülle benötigt
Lush-Duft mit Noten von Veilchen, Sandelholz und Moschus.
Wichtige Inhaltsstoffe
Energisiert die Haarfollikel und fördert volleres Haar.
Verleiht dem Haar mehr Fülle.
Stärken und geben dem Haar Struktur.
Ideal für feines Haar oder jedes Haar, das zusätzliches Volumen und Fülle benötigt!