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Unsere Empfehlungen
Lauren M.
I love it! I clean my face with it and the warming feature is very lovely!
Michael Y.
Awesome device! Had an issue with it and they replaced it no problem.
Patty C.
Love how it cleans, the gold feel so good with the regenerist. I love the cleaner.
Jennifer W.
I ordered the pmd clean pro gold. Before this I was using water with a really nice microfiber cloth. My face is softer, and it seems to be of great quality. I never really thought I'd spend so much money on a face tool, but I'm glad I did. I also purchased the cleanser, moisturizer, spray, and refresh. All great products. I admit, I'm getting closer to 50 and just wanted to feel about my facial skin, and the wrinkles that were starting to appear. And they're getting better. Not going away, but definitely my skin is much smoother and not looking so... well.. old.