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pmd. Personal Microderm Pro Berry
Unsere Empfehlungen
Melia T.
Better skin tone/complexion! Helping reduce mila too! Amazingly soft and reduced blackheads. GREAT customer service too!
Michelle E.
My daughter gave me one for Christmas and I love it so much. I've only just used it for the first time and my face feels so soft! I can't wait to see how my face looks and feels after a few weeks. I've been wanting to get microdermabrasion for a while but haven't had the time. Now I don't have to worry about finding time, I can do it in my own home!
John S.
I luv the pmd. First time I used I could feel a difference and see a difference in my skin. Definitely worth the money.
Darlene W.
As a licensed esthetically who offers microderm at my spa , I was skeptical but it is a great at home maintenance product to have!